Defining youth outcomes for STEM learning in afterschool (January 2013)
This report presents the results of a study to obtain consensus from afterschool experts on appropriate and feasible youth outcomes for STEM learning in afterschool. It presents a compelling set of developmental outcomes, indicators of progress toward these outcomes, and types of evidence that could be collected to demonstrate the impact of STEM programming in afterschool.
Informal science learning and education: Definition and goals (2012)
Authors: Anita Krishnamurthi (Afterschool Alliance) & Leonie J. Rennie (Curtin University)
This paper relates informal science education to afterschool learning environments, comparing the goals of each space, and makes the case for an articulated set of outcomes for afterschool STEM learning. It is a commissioned paper from the National Academies, Board on Science Education's June 2012 summit on the assessment of informal and afterschool science education.
STEM learning in afterschool: Ready to soar (July/August 2012)
Authors: Anita Krishnamurthi & Ramya Sankar (Afterschool Alliance)
This article appeared originally in Association of Science-Technology Center’s (ASTC) Dimensions magazine. Reposted with permission from ASTC.
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STEM learning in afterschool: An analysis of impact and outcomes (September 2011)
This report presents an analysis of evaluation data from afterschool STEM programs around the country. A review of the evaluation reports shows that high-quality STEM afterschool programs yields STEM-specific benefits such as improved attitudes towards STEM fields and careers, increased STEM knowledge and skills, and higher likelihood of graduation and pursuing a STEM career. The report demonstrates that afterschool programs are playing a key role in engaging children and youth from diverse communities in STEM fields and careers.
Afterschool: A vital partner in STEM education (May 2011)
This paper provides compelling reasons to include afterschool programs as integral partners in STEM education and highlights several existing models for providing infrastructure and building capacity to enable afterschool programs to facilitate high-quality STEM learning. By combining evaluation reports from afterschool programs with research findings that indicate an early interest in STEM careers is related to a pursuit of such careers, the paper presents a picture of how afterschool programs are contributing meaningfully to our nation's STEM education system.
Afterschool & STEM Learning
Changing perspectives. Shaping lives.
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Afterschool: Middle school and STEM (September 2010)
The Afterschool Alliance, in partnership with MetLife Foundation, is proud to present the second of four issue briefs in this series examining critical issues facing middle school youth and the vital role afterschool programs play in addressing these issues. This brief highlights STEM learning as a critical component of 21st century education, and discusses how afterschool provides an ideal platform for building STEM learning in middle school.
Afterschool and the Environment: A Natural Fit (January 2009)
Children have a wonderful curiosity about nature and the environment, which, if encouraged through afterschool activities can have a profound impact on their health and well-being. Children also take readily to concepts of conservation which will make them excellent stewards of the future of our environment. This issue brief explores the relationship between children's health, academic enrichment and community awareness through developing a relationship with the wonders of their natural environment.