Afterschool Webinars

Learn from experts and fellow practitioners on the latest in afterschool, including program funding, research and analysis, practical guides, and how to's.

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Federal Supports for Afterschool & Summer Learning Programs

Wed, Jul 15, 2015

Federal Supports for Afterschool & Summer Learning Programs

ECEC, the Afterschool Alliance, and afterschool practitioners representing Knowledge Universe and other providers will share how key federal programs including the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG), the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), and the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) support the implementation of school-age programs.


Foundations for Young Adult Success: A Developmental Framework

Thu, Jul 23, 2015

Foundations for Young Adult Success: A Developmental Framework

Researchers from CCSR will discuss the findings of their newly released report funded by The Wallace Foundation that provides evidence from child/youth development, cognitive science, psychology, and learning theory that educators, out-of-school time practitioners, policymakers, and funders can use to ground their work in a firm understanding of important goals for human development. 


Digging into Research: Interest and Identity in STEM

Thu, Aug 27, 2015

Digging into Research: Interest and Identity in STEM

As afterschool educators, we get to see first-hand how STEM excites and engages kids. However, many of us have questions about how to go beyond the short-term and help kids develop a long-term interest in STEM.This webinar is presented with our partner, Relating Research to Practice. We’ll be basing part of our discussion on their Connected Collection, Identity and Interest Development, which provides a brief overview of the current research.


Lights On Afterschool 101

Wed, Sep 9, 2015

Lights On Afterschool 101

Lights On Afterschool events can be whatever you make them. Like afterschool programs, Lights On Afterschoolevents come in all shapes and sizes and don't have to cost a lot to be effective. This webinar will show you the basics of planning a successful Lights On Afterschool event.


Lights On Afterschool: Engaging Policy Makers & The Media

Wed, Sep 16, 2015

Lights On Afterschool: Engaging Policy Makers & The Media

In this webinar, we will discuss a variety of strategies and considerations when reaching out to policy makers and the media to make sure that your Lights On Afterschool event makes a big splash!


Lights On Afterschool: Social Media Outreach Strategies

Thu, Oct 1, 2015

Lights On Afterschool: Social Media Outreach Strategies

In this webinar, we will provide ideas for using social media before, during and after your Lights On Afterschool event to maximize your event's profile in the community and overall impact.


Coding in afterschool: Get started with the Hour of Code!

Wed, Nov 11, 2015

Coding in afterschool: Get started with the Hour of Code!

In this webinar, you can learn how to get your students started with coding during the Hour of Code, a one-hour introduction to computer science that’s designed to demystify code and show kids of all ages that they can learn the basics. 


Effective Practices to Cultivate Social & Emotional Learning

Tue, Nov 17, 2015

Effective Practices to Cultivate Social & Emotional Learning

On this webinar, researchers from CASEL will provide out-of-school time leaders and practitioners with guidance on how to integrate the various frameworks for youth competence and implement effective strategies that create supportive environments for social and emotional learning.


ESSA: What does it mean for afterschool and summer learning?

Wed, Jan 20, 2016

ESSA: What does it mean for afterschool and summer learning?

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed into law by President Obama last month effectively reauthorizing the Elementary and Secondary Education Act – but what does ESSA mean for afterschool and summer learning program providers?
