Afterschool Webinar:

Foundations for Young Adult Success: A Developmental Framework

Thursday, Jul 23, 2015 02:00 PM ET

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About this webinar:

As interest grows in how children’s attitudes, skills, and character contribute to their long-term success, the University of Chicago Consortium on Chicago School Research (CCSR) has recently synthesized what is known about these so-called “noncognitive” and cognitive factors – how children develop them, how they interact, at what developmental stages, and in which settings.  Researchers from CCSR will discuss the findings of their newly released report funded by The Wallace Foundation that provides evidence from child/youth development, cognitive science, psychology, and learning theory that educators, out-of-school time practitioners, policymakers, and funders can use to ground their work in a firm understanding of important goals for human development. It also aims to help schools and OST professionals think about how to design adult practices and youth experiences to reach those goals. 


  • Nina Sonenberg, Communications Officer, The Wallace Foundation
  • Jenny Nagaoka, Deputy Director, Consortium on Chicago School Research
  • Stacy Ehrlich, Senior Research Analyst, Consortium on Chicago School Research
  • Saskia Traill, Vice President for Policy & Research, TASC