

It's the Afterschool for All Challenge! Join us on June 11


It's the Afterschool for All Challenge! Join us on June 11

The Afterschool for All Challenge is back for 2024! Join us starting Tuesday, June 11, as we head to Capitol Hill to encourage Congress to make sustained investments in afterschool and summer programs.

We know that afterschool and summer programs keep kids safe, inspire them to learn, and support their overall well-being. But for every child in an afterschool program, four more are waiting to join. Every family should have access to quality afterschool programming. Help us tell Congress why afterschool works!

Joining the Challenge is simple.

  • Call or email Congress on June 11 during your lunch break for our Afterschool for All Power Hour. All the tools you need are on our site. If you've never contacted Congress before, there's no need to worry--our action center makes it easy! We help you find your representative and provide sample messaging. After contacting Congress, amplify your action by posting on social media. Encourage others to reach out to Congress and share your message about the value of afterschool and summer programs!
  • Light up social media on June 11. Post positive messages your program using the hashtag #AfterschoolWorks (and remember to tag us using @afterschool4all!). Thank your representatives for investing in afterschool and summer, while reminding them that the need is not yet met. Our site has plug-and-play language for posts and a tool to find the social handles for your Members of Congress. 

On behalf of the 25 million youth waiting to get into an afterschool program, we thank you for reaching out to your policymakers!