

5 highlights from the Afterschool for All Challenge 2024


5 highlights from the Afterschool for All Challenge 2024

This week, 200 advocates from across the country — including nine of our Afterschool Youth Ambassadors — came to Washington, D.C., as part of the Afterschool for All Challenge. On June 11, supporters attended meetings on Capitol Hill to urge their elected officials to support increased funding for the afterschool and summer learning programs that kids and families rely on.

We know that for every child in an afterschool program, four are waiting to get in. But funding for afterschool has not kept up with inflation or the demand for programs, while costs to operate programs continue to rise. It is essential that Congress increase support for afterschool programs nationwide!

The Challenge is one of the most exciting moments in our year. Here are the top five highlights from this year’s events!

  • Afterschool advocates participated in 130 meetings with their elected officials and their teams, emphasizing the value of afterschool programs in their community and state, urging that 21st Century Community Learning Centers are funded for years to come, and even inviting officials to join a local Lights On Afterschool celebration. Advocates were met with broad support and excitement.
  • Supporters at home backed us up, contacting Congress more than 600 times. Add your voice to theirs in support of afterschool!
  • D.C.-area programs brought their activities to Capitol Hill for guests to experience at the Afterschool for All Showcase. At the celebration, Senate HELP Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) stepped up to the podium to urge his colleagues to support “afterschool for all!”
  • PSAs featuring quotes from afterschool youth ran on bus shelters across the DC metro area, thanks to our partner, Clear Channel Outdoor.

  • Social media updates about afterschool were seen 1 million times! Explore messages and videos published during the Challenge under the #AfterschoolWorks hashtag.

We are already planning to  bring the stories of afterschool programs back to the halls of Congress in 2025. Until then, please contact your policymakers by phone or email and encourage them to support afterschool programs in your community.