Afterschool Webinars

Learn from experts and fellow practitioners on the latest in afterschool, including program funding, research and analysis, practical guides, and how to's.

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Tips to Apply for the New York Life Foundation Aim High Grant

Wed, Jan 25, 2017

Tips to Apply for the New York Life Foundation Aim High Grant

The New York Life Foundation has created a new $1.95 M grant opportunity, Aim High. This May, 18 awards will be made to out-of-school time programs serving disadvantaged youth. Join us for this webinar to learn more about the grant opportunity, eligibility and expectations from Marlyn Torres, Senior Program Officer at the New York Life Foundation, and Dan Gilbert, administrator of the grant application process. 


The Promise of Adolescence: Developmental Science & Afterschool

Thu, Sep 12, 2019

The Promise of Adolescence: Developmental Science & Afterschool

Over the past several decades, research has fundamentally changed our understanding of how adolescents—young people ages 10 to 25—develop, grow, and learn. Join us in this webinar for an opportunity to learn more about recent breakthroughs around the principles of adolescent development and learn ways that they can be applied in afterschool programs.


The President’s Budget Eliminates Afterschool Funding. What Happens Now?

Thu, May 4, 2017

The President’s Budget Eliminates Afterschool Funding. What Happens Now?

President Trump’s budget proposal, released in March, calls for eliminating 21st Century Community Learning Center funding. These funds currently support nearly 10,000 local afterschool and summer programs serving 1.6 million children all across the nation. What does this mean for your program? Your community? Join a Q&A with Afterschool Alliance VP of Policy Erik Peterson to find out.


The New Normal: Libraries as Partners in 21st Century Learning

Tue, Mar 12, 2013

The New Normal: Libraries as Partners in 21st Century Learning

Public libraries are fast becoming hubs for 21st century learning and redefining traditional perceptions of what it means to “hang out” at the library. This webinar is focused on how these institutions—in partnership with youth-serving organizations—can be key allies in providing innovative and digitally-rich programming for teens and middle school youth.


The Growing Out-of-School Time Field: Part II

Wed, Feb 7, 2018

The Growing Out-of-School Time Field: Part II

Tune into Part II of this webinar series highlighting insights from the newly released book, The Growing Out-of-School Time Field: Past, Present, and Future, which delves into the ways in which the OST field has matured over the past two decades as a partner in helping children and youth reach their full potential. This webinar will feature leaders in the field discussing the roles of professional development and federal policy in the OST field, and what the future holds for the OST movement.


The Growing Out-of-School Time Field: Part I

Wed, Dec 13, 2017

The Growing Out-of-School Time Field: Part I

The OST field has come a long way over the past two decades, and the newly released book, The Growing Out-of-School-Time Field: Past, Present, and Future, delves into the ways in which the OST field has grown and matured as a partner in helping children and youth reach their full potential. In part one of two in this webinar series, hear from leading researchers in the OST field who wrote chapters in the book focused on the critical role the OST field has played to promote positive youth development over the years.


The Framework for K-12 Science Education: What does it mean for afterschool?

Tue, Apr 26, 2016

The Framework for K-12 Science Education: What does it mean for afterschool?

The Framework for K-12 Science Education, developed by the National Academies of Sciences, offers a powerful new vision for American science education. In this webinar we’ll focus on what is new and different about the Framework’s vision for science education and how afterschool organizations are designing programs and staff professional development to help young people engage with the Framework.


The Afterschool for All Challenge: Take Action at Home

Tue, Apr 12, 2016

The Afterschool for All Challenge: Take Action at Home

On May 24, 2016, hundreds of afterschool advocates and youth will be bringing their powerful stories to Capitol Hill for the 16th Afterschool for All Challenge. We know it is difficult to travel to Washington, D.C. to make your voice heard, so we are bringing the advocacy opportunity to you with the Afterschool for All Virtual Challenge, in which you can participate from your own community or computer!


The 2013 Challenge: Policy Basics

Tue, Jan 15, 2013

The 2013 Challenge: Policy Basics

This webinar provides an introduction to the basics of afterschool policy.  The Afterschool Alliance team reviews facts and information about the current state of the field and how Congress can help support the mission of ensuring high quality afterschool programs for all children. 
