Afterschool Alliance Research

Informing providers, advocates, and policymakers for 20 years

Delve into our vast collection of research resources that show afterschool programs are keeping kids safe, inspiring learning, and helping working families across the country. 

An integral component of Afterschool Alliance’s mission to ensure that all children have access to affordable, quality afterschool programs is research that assesses and examines the ways children spend their time during the afterschool hours, the opportunities afterschool programs provide the children and families in their communities, and the public support for these programs.

This section contains research materials the Afterschool Alliance has produced over the past 15 years. Find the resource that best fits your needs by searching by document type or by issue area. If you are interested in learning more about afterschool programs, explore Afterschool Essentials, or find out how many children are in afterschool programs by visiting the America After 3PM page. You can also search by issue topic and learn more about afterschool programs supporting young people in variety of areas and subjects, ranging from the arts to health and wellness to STEM. 

Date Title

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Aligning Afterschool with the Regular School Day: The Perfect Complement (2011)

The Afterschool Alliance, in partnership with MetLife Foundation, is proud to present the first of four issue briefs in our fourth series examining critical issues facing middle school youth and the vital role afterschool programs play in addressing these issues. This brief discusses the benefits of aligning afterschool with the regular school day, including attacking the achievement gap, and provides strategies necessary for making alignment successful.


America After 3PM and the African American Community (Oct 2014)

The Afterschool Alliance is proud to present this fact sheet as part of the third edition of America After 3PM, which spans a decade of household survey data chronicling how children spend the hours between 3 and 6 p.m. This fact sheet highlights the key findings related to the African American community and analyzes overall parent responses.


America After 3PM and the Hispanic Community (Oct 2014)

The Afterschool Alliance is proud to present this fact sheet as part of the third edition of America After 3PM, which spans a decade of household survey data chronicling how children spend the hours between 3 and 6 p.m. This fact sheet highlights the key findings related to the Hispanic community and analyzes overall parent responses.


America After 3PM National Report: The Most In-Depth Study of How America's Children Spend their Afternoons (Oct 2009)

The Afterschool Alliance is proud to present this report as part of the second edition of America After 3PM, which spans five years of household survey data chronicling how children spend the hours between 3 and 6 p.m. This report discusses how children are spending their time afterschool, highlights differences between ethnic and socioeconomic groups, and focuses on findings at the state level.


America After 3PM Special Report: Afterschool in Communities of Concentrated Poverty (August 2016)

This report examines the role that afterschool programs play in supporting families living in high-poverty areas and discusses the demand for afterschool programs in these areas along with families’ experiences with afterschool. Afterschool in Communities of Concentrated Poverty is presented as part of the third edition of America After 3PM, which spans a decade of household survey data chronicling how children spend the hours between 3 and 6 p.m.

Executive Summary

America After 3PM: Afterschool Programs in Demand (Oct 2014)

The Afterschool Alliance is proud to present this report as part of the third edition of America After 3PM, which spans a decade of household survey data chronicling how children spend the hours between 3 and 6 p.m. This report highlights the key findings of the survey data, addresses the demand for more programs and the persistence of an opportunity gap, and emphasizes the need for a wide range of supports and providers.

Executive Summary

America After 3PM: From Big Cities to Small Towns (Oct 2010)

The Afterschool Alliance is proud to present this report as part of the second edition of America After 3PM, which spans five years of household survey data chronicling how children spend the hours between 3 and 6 p.m. This report compares findings for rural, suburban, and urban communities to each other and the nation as a whole.



America After 3PM: Special Report on Summer: Missed Opportunities, Unmet Demand (May 2010)

The Afterschool Alliance is proud to present this report as part of the second edition of America After 3PM, which spans five years of household survey data chronicling how children spend the hours between 3 and 6 p.m. This special report addresses key finding related to the need for summer programming, the unmet demand within each state, and a persisting opportunity gap.

Summer Learning


America After 3PM

A snapshot of data spanning a decade that captures afterschool program participation, demand for programs and much more. 


America for Afterschool (Oct 2018)

This 2018 national poll finds that there is strong public support for afterschool and summer learning programs. In this poll, designed by the bipartisan team of Lake Research Partners and the Tarrance Group and administered by Ipsos through an online omnibus survey, nearly 9 in 10 adults agree that afterschool programs are important to their community and 2 in 3 adults say that they want their federal, state, and local leaders to provide funding for afterschool and summer learning programs.
