Afterschool Alliance Research

Informing providers, advocates, and policymakers for 20 years

Delve into our vast collection of research resources that show afterschool programs are keeping kids safe, inspiring learning, and helping working families across the country. 

An integral component of Afterschool Alliance’s mission to ensure that all children have access to affordable, quality afterschool programs is research that assesses and examines the ways children spend their time during the afterschool hours, the opportunities afterschool programs provide the children and families in their communities, and the public support for these programs.

This section contains research materials the Afterschool Alliance has produced over the past 15 years. Find the resource that best fits your needs by searching by document type or by issue area. If you are interested in learning more about afterschool programs, explore Afterschool Essentials, or find out how many children are in afterschool programs by visiting the America After 3PM page. You can also search by issue topic and learn more about afterschool programs supporting young people in variety of areas and subjects, ranging from the arts to health and wellness to STEM. 

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Spotlight on Rhode Island

Key findings from Spotlight on Rhode Island survey.

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Afterschool Benefits Kids with Special Needs (2008)

This issue brief highlights the effectiveness of afterschool programming in offering children with special needs an opportunity to develop alongside their non-disabled peers. The benefits of afterschool for kids with special needs include; improved performance on standardized tests, mastery of individualized education goals, higher grades, improved behavior and increased motivation to learn.


Afterschool Alert Poll Report


June 2000 Afterschool Alliance Poll

June 2000 Afterschool Alliance Poll

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Spotlight on New Hampshire

Summary of findings from Spotlight on New Hampshire report.

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Afterschool: Supporting Family Involvement in Schools (2008)

The Afterschool Alliance, in partnership with MetLife Foundation, is proud to present the last of four issue briefs in a series examining the vital role afterschool programs play in supporting children, families and communities. This brief emphasizes the benefits to students, schools and families that comes with family involvement in school and explores the various ways afterschool programs create linkages between school and home.


Afterschool Fosters Success in School (2008)

The Afterschool Alliance, in partnership with MetLife Foundation, is proud to present the third of four issue briefs in a series examining the vital role afterschool programs play in supporting children, families and communities. This brief addresses afterschool’s role in improving school attendance, engagement in learning, test scores, grades, reducing risky behaviors, and supporting social and emotional development to foster student success.


Afterschool: The Bridge Connecting Schools and Communities (2007)

The Afterschool Alliance, in partnership with MetLife Foundation, is proud to present the second of four issue briefs in a series examining the vital role afterschool programs play in supporting children, families and communities. This briefs addresses the benefits of bridging schools and communities, outlines how afterschool can help build this bridge and identifies quality programs that are already successfully linking school and communities.


Expanding Learning Opportunities: It Takes More than Time (2007)

Recent pressure to increase academic achievement has led new educational reform strategies to include ideas on extending the school day. However, increased classroom time alone may not be enough to improve academic outcomes. This brief examines the high-quality afterschool program model and the goals of the extended school day movement, seeking to identify the role the afterschool program model can play in informing the implementation of a quality extended day initiative.


Afterschool: A Powerful Path to Teacher Recruitment and Retention (2007)

The Afterschool Alliance, in partnership with MetLife Foundation, is proud to present the first of four issue briefs in a series examining the vital role afterschool programs play in supporting children, families and communities. This brief examines the current teacher shortage facing schools, the impacts of this shortage, and the ways afterschool programs can help meet the need for recruiting and retaining new teachers.
