A project of the Afterschool Alliance

Event Materials

Use these sample materials to get the word out about your Lights On Afterschool celebration and highlight your program's impact on your community.

Share this sample posting with community newsletters and calendars. Partners and supporters can use the sample to urge their networks to host Lights On Afterschool events.

Sample Newsletter Article

However you send your invitations, be sure to personalize with information about your program, like where it’s located, how many children it serves, and the activities it provides.

Print & Email Invites

A one- to two-page handout outlining your program and highlighting its positive results is the best way to quickly give people a sense of why your program is a key part of the community.

Afterschool Program Profile

Use these fact sheets and research resources as handouts for guests, to fill media kits, or as talking points during your event.

Afterschool Fact Sheets

Use the Lights On Afterschool artwork, posters, and logos for your event to create eye-catching visuals that convey the energy of afterschool in your community.

Graphics & Images

Make your celebration shine with fun Lights On Afterschool swag. Affordable light-up buttons, scented pencils, glow in the dark glasses and more make for fun giveaways to brighten up your event.

Afterschool Merchandise
Samples to send

Proclamations are an easy way for your community to celebrate Lights On Afterschool and can be made by your mayor, governor, local officials, or even organizations.


The opportunity to see and hear the impact that afterschool can have on a child’s life is invaluable. Use the sample language below to invite policymakers to attend your Lights On Afterschool event and see for themselves.

Invitation to policymakers

Use this template to draft letters to potential sponsors who may be interested in supporting your Lights On Afterschool event. Personalize your letter with information about your program.

Letter to potential sponsors

Use our sample media alert to inform reporters about your upcoming Lights On Afterschool event, and convince them that it's a genuine news story worthy of coverage.

Media alert

Check out these sample Lights On Afterschool event flyers to help promote your event. Use them as inspiration to create your own.

Sample Flyers

Insert data on the demand and need for afterschool in your state and distribute this news release to media who attend. Then email it on the same day to reporters on your press list who missed the event.

News release

Send this PSA to your local radio station and ask if they'll read it on the air to let your community know about your Lights On Afterschool event.

Public service announcement