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Expanded Learning Opportunity Grant

Deadline: 8/1

To provide grants to community-based organizations defined the same as in federal statute for the 21st Century Community Learning Center program -The first priority of the new state program is to continue existing federally funded 21st Century Community Learning Centers The second priority is to support new expanded learning opportunities in areas of the state with a high percentage of at-risk children not currently served by a federal 21st Century Community Learning Center - Working in partnership with schools in high-need school districts, which are defined as a school in which 40% or more qualify for free and reduced price meals - To provide expanded learning opportunity programs, which means a schoolcommunity partnership that provides participating K-12 students and their families with programming and other support activities/services: -That complement but do not duplicate school-day learning -That create opportunities to strengthen school-community partnerships to provide support to be successful in school - That are provided after school and on weekends, holidays, and other hours when school is not in session

Eligibility: Partnerships must include a school district and at least one community-based organization, agency or business. Eligible afterschool sites must have been in operation at least five years and receiving funding from a 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) Continuation Grant.

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State: NE