

Weekly Media Roundup: February 12, 2025


Weekly Media Roundup: February 12, 2025

'He Invests His Own Money': After School Program Started by Pasco School Employee Still Going Strong, WFTS-TV (Florida)

In the 1980s, Eugene Scott founded an afterschool program called This Is How We Do It to provide food, music, dance, mentorship and more to students in his Pasco County community. Today, the afterschool program continues to serve a diverse group of students at the old Booker T. Washington school, which was Pasco County’s first African American School.  Scott, a longtime worker at the maintenance department of the Pasco County School District, “invests not only time. He invests his own money. Often, he feeds these children out of his pocket,” volunteer Chonita Williams told WFTS-TV.

How Some Low-Income NJ School Districts Overcame Pandemic Slump, NJ Spotlight News (New Jersey)

While New Jersey students continue to perform below the math and reading levels reported in 2019 on average, nine low-income communities in the state surpassed the pre-pandemic achievement levels, a recent Education Recovery Scorecard survey found. Researchers attributed this success to federally funded supports including tutoring, before-school, afterschool and summer learning programs. “On average it looks like the [federal pandemic relief] dollars did have an effect, and they particularly helped narrow the gaps or prevented the gaps from being even worse between high and low-income districts,” Harvard University researcher Thomas Kane told NJ Spotlight News.

How Travis Heights Elementary is Introducing VR into an After-School Fitness Program, Austin American-Statesman (Texas)

Students in the Austin Independent School District’s Prime Time afterschool program are taking boxing, dancing, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and other fitness classes using virtual reality (VR) headsets donated by FitXR. The VR application incorporates fun games, such as dodging balloons, to engage students. “I'm having fun just teaching them about being healthy and exercising,” Travis Heights Elementary physical education teacher Dana Kreytak told the Austin-American Statesman.  “Kids love VR and video games, so I feel like it's super fun to combine that. It's fun and new and different, something that a lot of them have never done before.”

Youth & Family: Enriching Minds — After-School Programs Boost Student Success, Rutland Herald (Vermont)

In Rutland County, Vermont, the Boys & Girls Club provides tutoring, cooking classes, sports, video gaming, arts and more at each of its 14 afterschool program sites and has seen positive results in its annual survey. “Our priority outcomes at the Boys & Girls Club include academic success, good character and citizenship and a healthy lifestyle for all youth,” area director Emily Whitaker told the Rutland Herald. “Enrichment clubs allow us to provide opportunities to meet these outcomes while the youth are having fun.”

Weekly Media Roundup: February 26, 2025

Discover How the Leaps After School Program is Transforming Lives at Harrison Elementary, News Channel 9 (Tennessee) At Harrison Elementary’s Leaps After School Program in Chattanooga, Tennessee, students are publishing a newspaper focusing on Black historical figures to be displayed...

BY: Magen Eissenstat      02/26/25

Weekly Media Roundup: February 19, 2025

Durham Teens Fight for After-School Program Funding Amid Youth Gun Violence: 'My Safe Space,' ABC 11 (North Carolina) In Durham, North Carolina, teenagers rallied together to urge Durham City Council members to increase funding for afterschool programs, sharing how critical these...

BY: Magen Eissenstat      02/19/25

Weekly Media Roundup: February 12, 2025

'He Invests His Own Money': After School Program Started by Pasco School Employee Still Going Strong, WFTS-TV (Florida) In the 1980s, Eugene Scott founded an afterschool program called This Is How We Do It to provide food, music, dance, mentorship and more to students in his Pasco County...

BY: Magen Eissenstat      02/12/25

Weekly Media Roundup: February 5, 2025

Claysburg-Kimmel Touts New Programs for Students, Altoona Mirror (Pennsylvania) Students at the Bulldog After-School Club in Claysburg, Pennsylvania are participating in new educational activities with a Beam mobile projector that transforms the center into an interactive visual playground. The...

BY: Magen Eissenstat      02/05/25

Weekly Media Roundup: January 29, 2025

Afterschool Program Introduces West Columbia Students to Technology, The Facts (Texas) Students at West Columbia Elementary in Texas are taking part in hands-on science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) activities in the new Robocatters afterschool program, which already has a long...

BY: Magen Eissenstat      01/29/25

Weekly Media Roundup: January 22, 2025

Another Year, Another Long Waitlist for BUSD After-School Program, Berkeleyside (California) Due to ongoing staffing shortages, more than 200 students are currently waitlisted for afterschool programs at Berkeley Unified School District. Parents in the district’s PTA Collaborative on...

BY: Magen Eissenstat      01/22/25

Weekly Media Roundup: January 15, 2025

New 4-H Program Will Bring STEAM to Area Students, KNEB (Nebraska) Students in rural Expanding Learning Opportunity programs in Nebraska are exploring aerospace, electronics, engineering, robotics and more thanks to a partnership with 4-H. The Think Make Create Lab is a six-by-12 mobile trailer...

BY: Magen Eissenstat      01/15/25

Weekly Media Roundup: January 8, 2025

Parks and Recreation Secures Grant to Bring Physical Activity Education to Youth in Afterschool Program, WBIW (Indiana) More than 50 students in the Banneker Afterschool program in Bloomington, Indiana are taking part in fun physical activities this year led by Indiana University School of...

BY: Magen Eissenstat      01/08/25

Weekly Media Roundup: December 18, 2024

Mason City YMCA Teaching Social and Emotional Skills to Kids, News-Press Now (Iowa) Students in the Mason City YMCA afterschool program in Iowa practice communication, emotional regulation, empathy and more in twice-weekly social and emotional learning sessions, learning, for instance, to take...

BY: Magen Eissenstat      12/18/24

Weekly Media Roundup: December 11, 2024

Usher Helps Cut Ribbon On New Content Studio at Metro Boys and Girls, WSB-TV (Georgia) This week, superstar Usher visited the Whitehead Boys & Girls Club in Atlanta, Georgia, to unveil a new content studio he donated featuring soundboards, mics, computers and other audio equipment. The...

BY: Magen Eissenstat      12/11/24