Afterschool Webinars

Learn from experts and fellow practitioners on the latest in afterschool, including program funding, research and analysis, practical guides, and how to's.

Register to attend an upcoming webinar or watch a previous webinar.

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Youth Violence Prevention Strategies in Afterschool

Thu, May 9, 2013

Youth Violence Prevention Strategies in Afterschool

Providing an outlet for positive self-expression, access to caring adult mentors, and a community of supportive peers has been proven to be a winning formula for curbing aggressive behavior and empowering youth to be agents of change in their communities.This webinar highlights specific violence prevention strategies and federal funding streams for violence prevention programs. 


Build, Create & Innovate: An Introduction to Maker Culture

Tue, May 28, 2013

Build, Create & Innovate: An Introduction to Maker Culture

Designed for maker novices, the webinar introduces participants to the learning philosophy that underpins maker culture. Guest speakers share best practices for engaging youth, expected learning outcomes, and a set of resources to assist with getting started.


Build, Create & Innovate: Strategies for Engaging Youth Through Making

Wed, Jul 17, 2013

Build, Create & Innovate: Strategies for Engaging Youth Through Making

In this webinar, we will focus on the different types of hands-on maker activities that can be integrated into afterschool curriculum; guidance for how to approach evaluation and assessment; tools and strategies for engaging youth in digital webmaking; opportunities to build program capacity through Maker Corps; and how to leverage other informal networks of support for the maker community. 


Strengthening Physical Activity and Nutrition Programs in Afterschool

Wed, Jul 24, 2013

Strengthening Physical Activity and Nutrition Programs in Afterschool

This webinar will introduce the afterschool and summer learning field to the Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Standards in Out of School Time, the first-ever comprehensive national nutrition and physical activity standards for K-12 out-of-school programs, and Healthy Kids Out of School, an initiative that offers resources to provide healthy foods and increase physical activity. 


Build, Create and Innovate: Expanding Access to Maker Programs

Thu, Aug 29, 2013

Build, Create and Innovate: Expanding Access to Maker Programs

In this webinar we will focus on strategies for increasing the quantity and quality of maker programs at the city and state level. Guest speakers from the California Department of Education, the Idaho Commission for Libraries and the New York Hall of Science will discuss some of the efforts currently under way to create a learning revolution in rural and urban communities across the country.  


Lights On Afterschool: Securing An Awesome Location

Wed, Sep 4, 2013

Lights On Afterschool: Securing An Awesome Location

This webinar will feature guest speakers who have integrated Lights On Afterschool events into a community parade and in partnership with a local library. We invite you to join the discussion and learn how your program can benefit from participating Lights On Afterschool.  


Bridging Afterschool & Informal Science Communities

Tue, Sep 10, 2013

Bridging Afterschool & Informal Science Communities

In this webinar, you’ll get to know the wealth of resources available through the Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education, and learn how you can interact and contribute to the online community.  


Lights On Afterschool: Getting VIPs to Your Event

Thu, Sep 12, 2013

Lights On Afterschool: Getting VIPs to Your Event

Lights on Afterschool events are a fantastic way to engage high profile members of your community in advocacy events. From local celebrities to policy makers, the presence of VIPs can help generate awareness and build support for your program. This 30-minute webinar will feature two guest speakers who will be discussing strategies and benefits of working with local legislators during past Lights On Afterschool events. 


Lights On Afterschool: Engaging Parents at Your Event

Wed, Sep 25, 2013

Lights On Afterschool: Engaging Parents at Your Event

If you’re looking for a way to get parents more involved in your program, organizing a Lights on Afterschool celebration can help you build relationships and pave the way for more sustained engagement. Join the discussion to hear tips and strategies from two afterschool leaders who have used past Lights On Afterschool events to connect with parents and families.
