Afterschool Webinar:
Creating the Conditions for Social and Emotional Learning
Creating the Conditions for Social and Emotional Learning
About this webinar:
By now many of us have heard of the critical importance of developing social and emotional skills, but it is often difficult to connect the frameworks and research to the everyday practices that help foster skill building in afterschool. In this webinar we will focus on bridging the gap between research and practical application of social and emotional learning practices that support skill building.
Deb Moroney and Jaime Singer from American Institutes for Research (AIR) will join us to talk about their resources that support the application of best practices in social and emotional learning in afterschool. AIR is a leader in the field of supporting social and emotional development through quality summer, afterschool, and expanded learning programs.
AIR released a series of briefs and related tools in 2015 that focus on connecting research to action. To accompany the first brief, AIR created Social and Emotional Learning Practices: A Self-Reflection Tool for Afterschool Staff.
Stacey Daraio from Temescal Associates and Aleah Rosario from the California School-Age Consortium will also be joining the discussion to talk about how the Expanded Learning 360/365 group, in collaboration with the California School-Age Consortium, is using AIR’s Self-Reflection Tool for building quality in afterschool systems throughout California.
Come prepared to learn how Research + Action is moving the afterschool field towards ensuring all participants have opportunities for skill building and positive development.