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Private Government

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Medical Assistance Program (Medicaid; Title XIX)

Deadline: check website

Medicaid is a federal-state matching entitlement program providing medical assistance to low-income persons who are aged, blind, disabled, members of families with dependent children and certain pregnant women and children. States have flexibility in designing and operating their Medicaid programs.


State governments, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. territories.

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Record Updated: Thu, 22 Jul 2021

Microloan Program

Deadline: check website

This program was developed to increase the availability of very small loans to prospective small business borrowers.The Microloan program provides loans up to $50,000 to help small businesses and certain not-for-profit childcare centers start up and expand. The average microloan is about $13,000. The intermediaries also provide management, business-based training and technical assistance to help ensure success.

Funds may be used for working capital or the purchase of inventory, supplies, furniture, fixtures, machinery and/or equipment. Proceeds cannot be used to pay existing debts or to purchase real estate.


Virtually any type of for-profit small business is eligible for the Microloan Program. Nonprofit child care centers are also eligible to apply.

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Record Updated: Thu, 22 Jul 2021

Migrant Education High School Equivalency Program

Deadline: check website

The High School Equivalency Program (HEP) helps migratory and seasonal farmworkers (or children of such workers) who are 16 years of age or older and not currently enrolled in school to obtain the equivalent of a high school diploma and, subsequently, to gain employment or begin postsecondary education or training. The program serves more than 5,000 students annually. Competitive awards are made for up to five years of funding.


Institutions of higher education or a public or nonprofit private agency in cooperation with an institution of higher education.

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Program areas: College/Career Prep Program grades: High School
Record Updated: Thu, 22 Jul 2021

National Guard Youth Challenge Program 

Deadline: check website

The National Guard Youth Challenge Program (NGYCP) was established by the National Guard in 1993 to turn around the lives of young men and women between the ages of 16 and 18 who are experiencing difficulty in
completing traditional high school. This is a cost-free program that is open to permanent legal residents in each of the participating states/territories.


State governments and U.S territories.

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Program grades: High School
Record Updated: Thu, 22 Jul 2021

National School Lunch Program: Afternoon Snacks

Deadline: check website

The afterschool snack component of the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) is a federally assisted snack service that fills the afternoon hunger gap for school children. The snack service is administered at the Federal level by the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service (FNS)..


In order for the afterschool care program to be eligible, is must provide organized, regularly scheduled activities in a structured and supervised environment, including an educational or enrichment activity. 

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Program areas: Physical Activity/Wellness
Record Updated: Thu, 22 Jul 2021

Promoting Safe and Stable Families

Deadline: check website

The primary goals of Promoting Safe and Stable Families (PSSF) are to prevent the unnecessary separation of children from their families, improve the quality of care and services to children and their families, and ensure permanency for children by reuniting them with their parents, by adoption or by another permanent living arrangement.


States, territories and eligible Indian tribes.

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Record Updated: Thu, 22 Jul 2021

Registered Apprenticeship and Other Training

Deadline: check website

The Registered Apprenticeship system has been utilized to meet the needs of America's skilled workforce for over 75 years. It is a unique, flexible training system that combines job related technical instruction with structured on-the-job learning experiences. Registered Apprenticeship is a leader in preparing American workers to compete in a global 21st Century economy because the system keeps pace with advancing technologies and innovations in training and human resource development.


Employers, a group of employers, an association of employers, and individual employers with or without, in each case, participation in a labor union.

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Program areas: College/Career Prep Program grades: High School
Record Updated: Thu, 22 Jul 2021

Resident Opportunities and Self Sufficiency (ROSS)

Deadline: check website

The purpose of the ROSS Service Coordinator program is to provide funding to hire and maintain Service Coordinators who will assess the needs of residents of conventional Public Housing or Indian housing and coordinate available resources in the community to meet those needs. This program works to promote the development of local strategies to coordinate the use of assistance under the Public Housing program with public and private resources, for supportive services and resident empowerment activities.


ROSS grants may be made to four types of applicants: (1) Public Housing Authorities (PHAs); (2) Tribes and tribally designated housing entities (TDHEs); (3) Resident associations (RAs) such as resident management corporations, resident councils, and intermediary resident organizations; and (4) Non-profit entities supported by residents and/or PHAs. Applicants must establish partnerships to leverage resources with other Federal and nonfederal entities.

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Record Updated: Thu, 22 Jul 2021

Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)

Deadline: check website

Provides a variety of opportunities for retired and senior persons, age 55 and older, to serve their community through significant
volunteer service. Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) volunteers apply skills learned during their work years to efforts to serve low-income families and communities.


Grants are made to state government agencies, local government agencies, private nonprofit organizations and faith-based organizations.

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Record Updated: Thu, 22 Jul 2021

Runaway and Homeless Youth (Basic Center Program)

Deadline: check website

Basic Center Program works to establish or strengthen community-based programs that meet the immediate needs of runaway and homeless youth and their families. The programs provide youth up to age 18 with emergency shelter, food, clothing, counseling and referrals for health care. Most basic centers can provide 21 days of shelter for up to 20 youth.


Any private, nonprofit agency is eligible to apply. Nonfederally recognized Indian Tribes and urban Indian organizations are eligible to apply for grants as private, nonprofit agencies: (Note: Public agencies are not eligible.)

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Record Updated: Thu, 22 Jul 2021