We Love Afterschool!

This Valentine's Day, share some of the reasons afterschool is close to your heart with your friends, family, and community.

We love afterschool, and we know that you do too! Afterschool programs keep kids safe, inspire learning, and help working families. Join us on February 14, and share why you, your students, and your community love your afterschool program!

This year, take two minutes to send a message to Congress about why you love afterschool!

How to participate

It’s easy:

  1. Print the templates below, fill them out (and have parents and students do so!)
  2. Snap a photo of the finished product (or a selfie of you and your message)
  3. Upload it to your favorite social media sites with the hashtag #IHeartAfterschool and tag @afterschool4all, or simply share an afterschool photo or message of your own using the hashtag. Check below for some sample messages.

And you’re done! Follow the hashtag and see how other afterschool programs are showing their love.

Maximize your impact this year! Personalized messages resonate with policymakers. Find and tag your representatives with this simple tool. And when you’re done, mail the finished templates to your member of Congress’ district office. Find your member of Congress here.


Save and share these graphics under the hashtag #IHeartAfterschool! Simply click each graphic to download.

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Draft social media copy

State-specific tweets

.@[rephandle], #AfterschoolWorks for the [###] kids in a program in [STATE]. But [###] are still waiting for a spot. Don't break out hearts: fund afterschool! #IHeartAfterschool

#IHeartAfterschool because #AfterschoolWorks for the [##]% of [STATE] parents who support funding for afterschool. Thank you to all the afterschool staff & providers that take care of our kids!


We’re joining hundreds of afterschool programs around the country by showing our love for afterschool for Valentine’s Day! Why do we <3 afterschool? Just see what [Program Name] students had to say! #IHeartAfterschool @afterschoolalliancedc


#AfterschoolWorks for us! We love afterschool because [add student response]. #IHeartAfterschool @afterschool4all

Why do we love afterschool? It gives our youth a chance to share their voice! Look at what these [Program Name] students have to say about why they <3 afterschool! #IHeartAfterschool @afterschool4all

We couldn’t imagine not having [Program Name] after school to look forward to! #IHeartAfterschool @afterschool4all

We love our [Program Name] students! See how #AfterschoolWorks for them! #IHeartAfterschool @afterschool4all

We’re spreading the love for afterschool by sharing what we <3 about [Program Name]! #IHeartAfterschool @afterschool4all

Get creative

You don’t just have to use the printable. If you or your students have another idea to show off why they love afterschool, we want to see those, too! A few possibilities:

  • Encourage students to express themselves through art by illustrating their love for afterschool with a drawing or painting.
  • Have youth participate in a festive Valentine’s Day science, engineering, or math project.
  • Get kids moving around with an active Valentine’s Day-themed game.