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Year Published: 2016
The Clubhouse Network provides a creative and safe out-of-school learning environment in which youth from underserved communities work with adult mentors to explore their own ideas, develop new skills and build self-confidence through the use of technology. In this selection of evaluation data spanning 2013 to 2016, participants demonstrated gains along three major categories of youth outcomes—interest in STEM, capacity to engage in STEM, and finding value in STEM.
Program Name: The Clubhouse Network
Program Description: The Clubhouse Network provides a creative and safe out-of-school learning environment in which youth from underserved communities work with adult mentors to explore their own ideas, develop new skills and build self-confidence through the use of technology. Start Making! is a new initiative by the Clubhouse, designed to serve as an introduction to an arts and engineering design cycle through STEM-rich making.
Scope of the Evaluation: National
Program Type: Afterschool
Community Type: Urban, Suburban
Grade level: Elementary School, Middle School, High School
Program Demographics: All Clubhouses focus on reaching under-served communities and youth. Demographics vary based on the local community.
Program Website: http://www.computerclubhouse.org/
Evaluator: Inverness Research, Inc. and SRI International
Evaluation Methods: A sign-in system collects data about participants and attendance. A biennial survey gathers demographic data; Clubhouse visiting patterns; and attitudes related to technological competence, academic engagement, social-emotional well-being, and aspirations for the future. Outcome data is collected through a variety of methods: facilitator progress reports on program implementation and youth outcomes; participant surveys describing their experiences before and during participation; discussions with Clubhouse facilitators; and archives of participant projects.
Evaluation Type: Non-experimental
Below is a selection of evaluation data reported by the program around three major categories of youth outcomes—interest in STEM, capacity to productively engage in STEM, and finding value in STEM. These outcomes are an excerpt from a 2016 Afterschool Alliance paper, "The Impact of Afterschool STEM: Examples from the Field."
Capacity: I can do this
Value: This is important to me
Associated Evaluation: http://afterschoolalliance.org/documents/AfterschoolSTEMImpacts2016.pdf
Program Profile: View program profile