Uncertain Times 2012: Afterschool Programs Still Struggling in Today's Economy
Uncertain Times 2012: Afterschool Programs Still Struggling in Today's Economy
Uncertain Times is the Afterschool Alliance’s national survey of afterschool providers offering answers to questions regarding the economy’s effect on afterschool programs across the country. The Afterschool Alliance provides an in-depth analysis of each year’s survey, including key geographic and demographic findings.
Uncertain Times 2012, the third in the Uncertain Times series, assesses the impact of economic conditions on afterschool programs. Based on 1,012 survey responses, Uncertain Times 2012-Afterschool Programs Still Struggling in Today’s Economy, finds that afterschool programs are struggling to meet the needs of children and families in their communities, as they face shrinking resources and dismal prospects for new support. Hardest hit are programs serving disadvantaged communities—the very population that has the most to gain from afterschool and summer programs.
State-by-State Fact Sheets - Click on a state to download state-level findings from Uncertain Times.
Uncertain Times 2009: Recession Imperiling Afterschool Programs and the Children They Serve, a recent survey of afterschool programs, finds that afterschool programs are serving a high need population, struggling to maintain their funding and are worried about how the recession will affect future funding. Nearly all respondents to this web-based survey say that more children in their communities could benefit from afterschool programs, if programs were available. 69 percent report that funding is less than secure for the next 1 to 2 years and 83 percent report funding is not secure for next 3 to 5 years.
State-by-State Fact Sheets - Click on a state to download state-level findings from Uncertain Times.
Uncertain Times: Funding Insecurity Puts Afterschool Programs at Risk, a recent survey of afterschool programs, finds that afterschool programs are serving a high need population, serving more children than expected, and struggling to maintain their funding. Nearly all respondents say that more children in their communities could benefit from afterschool programs, if they were available. Fewer than half of afterschool programs say their funding is fully secure for the next two years and just one in five has secure funding for three to five years.
Full report released in October 2006:
State-by-State Fact Sheets - Click on a state to download state-level findings from Uncertain Times.
First-wave of Uncertain Times data released in September 2006: