Afterschool Webinars

Learn from experts and fellow practitioners on the latest in afterschool, including program funding, research and analysis, practical guides, and how to's.

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Social Media Outreach Strategies for OST Programs Fri, May 8, 2015
Social Media Outreach Strategies for OST Programs

With most Americans today engaging with at least one social media site, social media is a valuable (and cost-effective) way to reach your community. In this webinar, communications experts from Burness Communications will walk through goal setting strategies to effectively leverage social media to advance your program's mission and goals, and the Afterschool Alliance will give an overview of social media resources specifically for the afterschool community.

Digging into Research: Gender Equity in STEM Tue, Jun 30, 2015
Digging into Research: Gender Equity in STEM

We know that afterschool and other community educators are keenly attuned to the needs of girls they serve. In this webinar, we’ll look specifically at gender equity issues in STEM learning and consider how current research on this topic can help inform and shape practice.


Youth-Centered Civics Initiatives to Strengthen Communities

Tue, Jun 22, 2021

Youth-Centered Civics Initiatives to Strengthen Communities

The Afterschool Alliance is partnering with the Institutes for Citizens & Scholars (C&S) to create an interactive webinar experience to explore the variety of contexts in which civic learning can occur and - through the lens of CIRCLE's evaluators and CSP grantees - dig deeper on what it means to become a youth-led organization.


Youth Voice in Afterschool

Wed, Sep 12, 2018

Youth Voice in Afterschool

The past year has seen a wave of youth and student activists who have made their voices heard on a variety of topics and taken the national stage by storm. Join us for a webinar that discusses how afterschool and summer learning opportunities can provide the support and skills students want and need to raise their voices in public discourse and advocate for the issues and programs they care about.


Youth Violence Prevention Strategies in Afterschool

Thu, May 9, 2013

Youth Violence Prevention Strategies in Afterschool

Providing an outlet for positive self-expression, access to caring adult mentors, and a community of supportive peers has been proven to be a winning formula for curbing aggressive behavior and empowering youth to be agents of change in their communities.This webinar highlights specific violence prevention strategies and federal funding streams for violence prevention programs. 


Wired to Learn: Social and Emotional Development in Adolescence

Thu, Apr 30, 2020

Wired to Learn: Social and Emotional Development in Adolescence

Recent developments in brain science have shown that adolescence is a crucial time for influencing social, emotional, and cognitive growth. In adolescence, the brain is particularly well-suited to acquire social and emotional competencies that are vital for youth to navigate the world, and yet we often see a fall-off in participation in youth development programs during this time.


What Works: Lessons from 100,000 Lights On Afterschool Celebrations

Thu, Sep 6, 2018

What Works: Lessons from 100,000 Lights On Afterschool Celebrations

Every year, more than 1 million Americans come together in more than 8,000 Lights On Afterschool events in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Like afterschool programs, Lights On Afterschool celebrations can be whatever you make of them; events come in all shapes and sizes, and don't have to cost a lot to be effective. Join us in this webinar to learn insights on how to use our extensive event planning tools and go over all of the basics to help you stay on track with your planning for this year's celebration.


What Works: Celebrating the 20th Annual Lights On Afterschool

Tue, Aug 20, 2019

What Works: Celebrating the 20th Annual Lights On Afterschool

Every October, 1 million Americans come together at 8,000 Lights On Afterschool events across the nation. Like afterschool programs, Lights On Afterschool celebrations come in all shapes and sizes, and don't have to be huge to be effective.  Holding an event is an excellent way to build support for your program, by letting leaders and policy makers see firsthand how you are supporting kids and families in your community.


What Works – Lessons from 100,000 Lights On Afterschool Celebrations

Thu, Sep 7, 2017

What Works – Lessons from 100,000 Lights On Afterschool Celebrations

You asked for advice from peers on what to do for Lights On Afterschool events, and in this webinar we deliver. Join us to hear from an afterschool program director and get a walkthrough from the Afterschool Alliance’s own Faith Savaiano of the tips and tricks we’ve gathered from 15 years of Lights On Afterschool celebrations. We will be joined by Afterschool Ambassador Ayana Crichton from Cranston, Rhode Island. 
