A project of the Afterschool Alliance.
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Virtual Y the afterschool program: A ray of sunshine for urban public elementary school children

Year Published: 2005

A report by The National Center for Schools and Communities at Fordham University presenting the results of seven years of evaluation for the YMCA of Greater New York’s Virtual Y afterschool program—an afterschool program that served elementary school students five days a week between 3 and 6 p.m. Teachers reported significant improvements in classroom behavior for Virtual Y participants, including improvement in task motivation, frustration tolerance, learning skills, acting out, peer social skills, assertive social skills, and shyness and anxiety. The average school day attendance of 3rd and 4th grade Virtual Y participants also exceeded the average attendance of a comparison group. Additionally, Virtual Y participants outperformed a comparison group in post-program math scores.

An Ecological Analysis of After-School Program Participation and the Development of Academic Performance and Motivational Attributes for Disadvantaged Children

Year Published: 2005

A longitudinal study evaluating the impact of afterschool program participation on the academic performance and motivation of elementary school students. Participants were 599 boys and girls from an unnamed urban, economically disadvantaged community in the U.S. Data collected from student academic records and surveys of teachers, afterschool providers, and parents indicated that students participating in afterschool programs had significantly higher reading achievement compared to students who were in other after school care arrangements (parent care, a mix of parent care and no adult supervision, and a mix of non-parental supervision and no adult supervision) and had a higher expectancy of success than students who had non-parental supervision and no adult supervision.  Students who were in the highest category of afterschool program attendance saw even greater gains, with significantly higher reading achievement, motivation, and expectancy of success than children in all other care arrangements.

Building Quality, Scale, and Effectiveness in After-School Programs: Summary Report of the TASC Evaluation

Year Published: 2004

An external evaluation of The After-School Corporation (TASC), which works to increase the availability of quality afterschool programs in New York City, that collected data spanning four school years from 96 TASC afterschool projects and their host schools in New York City and compared students participating in TASC to students not enrolled in the afterschool programs. The TASC model is a partnership between a public school and a local nonprofit organization that provides afterschool programming free of charge to New York City students enrolled in the school. At the elementary and middle school levels, TASC participants showed gains in math achievement and school attendance. At the high school level, afterschool participants passed more Regents exams, attended school more regularly, and earned more high school credits than their non-participating peers.

Improvements in math and reading scores of students who did and did not participate in the Foundations After School Enrichment Program during the 2001-2002 school year

Year Published: 2002

This evaluation looked at elementary students in Foundations, Inc.'s After School Enrichment Programs at 19 schools in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Florida. The evaluation found that students participating in the afterschool program experienced greater academic gains compared to non-participating students, where Foundations students scored higher on math and reading standardized tests than their peers who did not participate in the program.

21st Century Community Learning Centers Statewide Evaluation Report 2019-2020 (Vermont)

Year Published: 0

This study found that Vermont 21st CCLC programs provided high-quality, equitable, accessible opportunities for students across the state. Programs had qualified staff and site directors regularly met with principals to maintain strong relationships between the school and afterschool program. Evaluators shared that forty percent of all 11,467 attendees regularly attended programming. Sites also stepped up during the COVID-19 outbreak, providing remote programming, child care for essential workers, meal support, and professional development and activities for staff. 

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