A project of the Afterschool Alliance.
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Evaluation Report: 2014-2015 School Year 21st Century Community Learning Centers (Colorado)

Year Published: 2016

A statewide evaluation of Colorado’s 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) programs during the 2014-15 school year found positive gains related to student participants’ academic performance, engagement in school, and school-day behavior. Teachers reported that among students regularly attending the program and who were in need of improvement, a strong majority improved their academic performance (76.4 percent), class participation (71.8 percent), classroom attentiveness (68.9 percent), homework completion (68 percent),  motivation to learn (66.5 percent), relationships with their peers (62 percent), and behavior in class (63.7 percent). The evaluation also included results from the 2013-14 school year and showed that students in both academic school years showed similar gains. 

Iowa Afterschool State Evaluation Report 2016

Year Published: 2016

A statewide evaluation of Iowa’s 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) programs examined student attendance and behavior as well as academic gains in reading and math. On average, 66.1 percent of students improved in reading and 75 percent improved in math compared with the national average of 49 percent. In addition, 63 percent of regularly attending program participants improved their behavior compared with the national average of 56 percent. 

Arkansas 21st Century Community Learning Centers Statewide Evaluation: 2015-2016 Annual Report

Year Published: 2016

A statewide evaluation of 21st CCLC programs in Arkansas using student, parent, and staff surveys, as well as annual performance reports, found that programs provided an environment where students felt that they were supported academically and were able to develop positive social and emotional skills. Additionally, among students who participated in 21st CCLC programs between 30-59 days, an overwhelming majority either increased to or remained in the “Proficient” or “Advanced” category for the state assessment in English Language and Literacy (87 percent) and math (97 percent). 

Illinois State Board of Education 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program: State-Level Program Evaluation 2014-2015

Year Published: 2016

A statewide evaluation of Illinois’ 21st CCLC programs during the 2014-15 school year found that based on teacher surveys, a strong majority of students regularly participating in programs (attending a program for 30 days or more) saw improvements in academics,  behavior, and engagement in school. For example, teachers reported that students made improvements in their academic performance (elementary schoolers- 71 percent, middle/high schoolers- 61 percent), behavior in class (elementary schoolers- 63 percent, middle/high schoolers- 55 percent), motivation to learn (elementary schoolers- 63 percent, middle/high schoolers- 53 percent), and regular school day attendance (elementary schoolers- 57 percent, middle/high schoolers- 51 percent).

Michigan 21st Century Community Learning Centers Evaluation: 2014-2015 Annual Report

Year Published: 2016

A statewide evaluation of Michigan’s 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) programs during the 2014-15 program year found that based on grades and surveys of teachers, students, and parents, students attending a program for at least 30 days (regular attendees) saw academic gains, as well as improvements in their behavior and engagement in school. Approximately half of students with room for improvement (defined as having a fall GPA below 3.0), saw grade improvement in math (49 percent) and English/language arts (50 percent) from fall to spring. Teacher surveys also reflected an improvement in classroom performance for behaviors such as turning in homework on time and participating in class (73 percent), as well as getting along with other students (75 percent). In addition, both students and parents reported overall positive perceptions of program impact on academic learning and behavior.  

Oakland School-Based After School Programs Evaluation: 2014-15 Findings Report

Year Published: 2015

An evaluation of 82 afterschool programs funded by the Oakland School-Based After School Partnership, a collaboration between Oakland Fund for Children and Youth (OFCY) and the Oakland Unified School District’s After School Programs Office (ASPO), that served 16,505 students during the 2014-2015 school year. Site visits and student surveys were used to evaluate the quality of the program and student’s perceptions of the program’s impacts on their academic performance, behavior, health, and readiness for the future. The evaluation found that Oakland afterschool programs are positively impacting their students’ academics, behavior, self-confidence, health and wellness, and readiness for the future.

Washington 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program Evaluation: 2012-2013 and 2013-2014

Year Published: 2015

This statewide evaluation of Washington’s 21st CCLC grantees assesses the impact of the program on participating students during the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 academic school years. Data collected on youth outcomes included reading and math achievement, GPA, school day absences, disciplinary incidents, and surveys of students that examined students’ motivation, engagement, and beliefs. This study found that students who regularly participated in Washington’s 21st CCLC programs saw gains in their math and reading performance and grade point averages, compared with their non-participating peers. A positive impact was also found regarding school day absences and disciplinary incidents, where regular program participants had a lower number of unexcused absences and disciplinary incidents compared to students not participating in the program.

Educare Foundation Afterschool Program Report Card for 2014-2015

Year Published: 2015

An evaluation of participation levels and academic outcomes of 8,849 Los Angeles high school students participating in an afterschool program operated by the EduCare Foundation in 2014-2015. A comparison of EduCare attenders and non-attenders indicates that participants in EduCare After School Programs have higher school day attendance and credit completion rates, and outperform non-participants in California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) and California English Language Development Test (CELDT) scores.

Activity Types and Frequent Attendance in Michigan 21st Century Community Learning Centers Linked to Improved Academic Performance

Year Published: 2015

An evaluation of more than 16,000 students participating in Michigan’s 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) during the 2013-14 school year. Regular participants saw improvements in their math and reading grades, homework completion, school day behavior, and attendance rates. The evaluation also found that the students’ math grades, teachers’ reports of homework completion and school behavior, students’ attendance and behavior in school, and students’ reports of their commitment to school all saw improvements the more total days they participated in program, starting at a minimum of 20 days.

21st Century Community Learning Centers: A Descriptive Evaluation for 2014-2015

Year Published: 2015

A statewide evaluation of West Virginia’s 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) programs during the 2014-15 school year to examine the program’s impact on participating students’ academics and school day behavior. Key findings of the report include—based on teacher surveys—approximately 3 in 4 students improved their homework completion and participation in class and approximately 7 in 10 improved their academic performance, behavior in class, and engagement in learning. The evaluation also included findings from surveys of program directors to evaluate the successes, challenges, parent participation, and relationships with partners of 21st CCLC programs. Results from program directors showed that student involvement and high attendance were their greatest successes, and personnel issues was the biggest challenge. Furthermore, programs desired more professional development training—specifically in sustainability and personnel issues, greater parent engagement, and improvements in the 21st CCLC database collection system.

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