Afterschool and partnerships

Build community partnerships to support afterschool programs

This is a comprehensive list of tools to help you establish, sustain and evaluate partnerships with a variety of partners. Included is a brief description of each tool and information on how to access it.


Foundation Consortium for California's Children and Youth
What Works Policy Brief: After School Public-Private Partnerships, Winter 2006 (PDF)
Provides real-life examples and characteristics of successful public-private partnerships. Outlines the benefits to afterschool programs, business, government, and private funders. Includes a section dedicated to building partnerships for new afterschool programs

Boys & Girls Clubs of America
The Boys & Girls Clubs of America has created a suite of materials to guide clubs in developing and sustaining partnerships with a wide variety of stakeholders, including schools, colleges and universities, public housing agencies and youth development programs. Titles include: Boys & Girls Clubs in Public Housing, The School Zone, Clubs Go to College, Places, Spaces and Programming: Unique Partnerships, and Up2Us: The Big Brothers Big Sisters/Boys & Girls Clubs Club-Based Mentoring Program. For more information, contact Perry Cooper, Senior Director, Growth and Collaboration Strategies, at (404) 487-5724.

National Collaboration for Youth: National Youth Development Information Center
Partnerships for After-School Success: Community-Based Organization and Local Education Agency/State Education Agency Toolkits
This is a two-part toolkit for establishing and sustaining collaborative partnerships. The Community-Based Organization toolkit includes research on benefits of community based organization-run afterschool, promising practices and sample forms and checklists. The Local Education Agency/State Education Agency Toolkit covers similar areas, with a special focus on how LEAs and SEAs can recruit community-based organizations to be afterschool providers.


Center for Collaborative Solutions and Community Network for Youth Development
Exemplary Practices in Afterschool Program Development: Rubrics for Tracking Internal Progress (PDF)
An evaluation rubric that identifies exemplary practice indicators for sustaining partnerships with funders and supporters.


Learning Point Associates
Beyond the Bell, 3rd Edition: A Toolkit for Creating Effective Afterschool Programs
An entire chapter of this toolkit is devoted to partnerships and collaborations. Corresponding tools include worksheets for finding partners and sample memoranda of understanding. The toolkit comes with CD-ROM, access to members-only section of the Learning Point Associates website and a principal's guide.